Addictions Recovery
- One on one counselling
- Assessment and referral to treatment centres
- Support clients in creating an after-care plan that meets their needs
- On-going support
- Support groups
- Intervention strategies
For more information, contact Georgina Isaac-Speck at 250.286.3430 Ext: 119.
What you should know about addictions:
Loss of control and compulsive use of a mood or mind altering chemical or chemicals, along with the inability to stop the use in spite of the fact that such use is causing problems in one’s life; or having a physical and/or psycho-social dependence on a substance or behaviour.

What you should know about alcoholism:
This is a primary, chronic illness with genetic, psycho-social and/or environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. The alcoholic has either continuous or periodic loss of control over drinking, is preoccupied with alcohol, uses it despite the damage it is doing and has distorted thinking, most notably denial. The quantity of alcohol consumed is less important than the effect of the drinking on an individual’s life and the lives of those around them.
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Laichwiltach Family Life Society