Rekindling the Spirit of our Elders
The Elders Program is open to status, non-status and Métis people – members are from various BC first nation communities.
The purpose of the program is to help reduce feelings of isolation. We accomplish this with fundraising activities, teaching young people how to make bannock during Aboriginal Day celebrations in local schools, and attending local and regional cultural events. Elders attend monthly luncheons at various locations on Vancouver Island in addition to attending the annual BC Elders Gathering.
The elders are often invited to make bannock for cultural gatherings, meetings and craft fairs. One of the many highlights includes teaching young children how to make native arts and crafts while reminiscing about the old days, sharing stories, and talking about cultural traditions. Weekly activities are organized and include nutritional snacks and meals, and there are opportunities to participate in a low intensity water aerobics class.
New Horizons first funded the program in 2005 and since then funding has been provided by RBC Foundation and Laichwiltach Family Life Society. The Elders take pride in their fund raising accomplishments; this is an integral part of our program.
Elders Program:
- Wednesdays from 11 am to 2 pm
- Nutritional snacks; crafts 12:30 pm to 2 pm
- Monthly Island Elder’s Luncheon
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Laichwiltach Family Life Society