Traditional Parenting/Cultural Connections
For parents or caregivers of children 0-6
Time: 11-1pm Where: Deer Room
Facilitated by Montah Nadine McGee, AIDP Consultant and Indigenous Doula Birth worker.
- Weekly Cross-Cultural Drop in for parents with children 0-6
- Bimonthly Calendar for parenting topics
- Guest speakers
- Cultural teachings/traditional arts and crafts
- Island Health Public Health Nurses and Dental Hygienist and Respected cultural elders who share teachings and teach traditional crafts, Special Guests at different times for teachings.
- Parents are welcome with or with out child.
Baby Group
Parents or caregivers with children ages 0-4
Time: 10:30-12 Where: Deer Room
Facilitated by Montah Nadine McGee and Megan Armstrong, AIDP Consultants.
- Topic/Discussion/Snacks and Gift cards.
- Weekly Drop In for parents with children 0-4 years of age
- A safe space for parents with or without child
- Guided topics with guest speakers on specific requests
- Free discussion and check in.
- Public health Nurse and Dental Hygienist and guest speakers.
- Support families in a holistic approach to parenting and exploring history and culture and decolonizing parenting.
CAPC Group For families with children 0-6 at LFLS
Time: 10AM-12PM Where: Bear Room
- Different topic each week, sometimes with guests and/or resources relevant to families needs. Food/snacks provided.
- Facilitator: Christina Paling. Contact Information 250-286-3430 extension 136 or for more information.
CAPC Community Kitchen At LFLS
For families with children 0-6 years.
Time: 11AM-1PM Where: Bear room
- Facilitator: Christina Paling contact information 250-286-343- Ext 136 for more information
Mens Anger Management Group
Facilitator: Josey Wells & Clothilde Young
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 Where: Wolf Room
For more information contact Clothilde Young 250-286-3430 Ext 105 or email:
Criteria: Any one of Indigenous decent or family affiliation who is self identifying as make or non-binary. Intake process must be completed before you can start group, this will be done with Clothilde Young.
Women’s Wellness Group
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 Where: Deer Room
Facilitated by Mandy McManus Dixson (HSW-Therapeutic Arts Practitioner, Stopping the Violence Outreach, Legal Services Justice Coordinator
Group supports and celebrates all Indigenous women who have experience trauma and or are dealing with, to increase mental wellness and engaging in positive and proactive activities with women as a group and connections with each other.
After School Program
- When: Monday & Thursday at LFLS
- Tuesday and Wednesday at Cedar School
- Facilitated by Montah Nadine McGee and Christina Paling,
- Program for children Kindergarten to Grade 5 for Cedar School Children only.
- Time: 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm
- More information on how to register for group, please contact 250-286-3430 and talk with Nadine or Christina.

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Laichwiltach Family Life Society